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Protecting your pets around the pool

Protecting your pets around the pool

Our pets are some of our closest companions. We love to have them around no matter what we're doing. Swimming in the pool is no exception. Whether they are swimming or just relaxing with us around the pool, it's important to keep them safe. Here are some tips to make your pool a safe place for your pets this summer.

1. Watch out for them

Don't let pets spend time around the pool unsupervised. You can prevent most accidents if you keep them in sight when they are near the pool. Using a fence or a safety cover around the pool will protect them from accidents when you can't.

2. Give them an exit

Pets need a way to get out of the pool easily. If a dog doesn't know how to get out of the pool, they will try to claw their way out. This can lead to drowning and a torn liner. Protect their safety and your pool by teaching them where the steps are and how to get out. If your pool doesn't have steps you can add a pet ramp. This is even more important as your pet gets older. Check out this article about caring for your aging pets.

3. Shower after swimming

Pool chemicals can irritate your pets skin and can make them sick if they lick the chemicals off. Rinse them off after they swim to keep the chemicals from drying on their fur.

4. Use a life jacket

Not all dogs are natural swimmers. A life jacket will provide extra buoyancy and a dash of bright colors so that your dog can stay afloat and remain highly visible.

5. Take a time-out

Who doesn't like a nap after a swim. Make sure you give your dog plenty of breaks from swimming so they don't get exhausted. They also need plenty of drinking water because swimming can make them hot and thirsty.

6. Pool water is not for drinking

Don't let your pets drink the pool water. The chemicals in the water can make them sick.

Enjoying your pool with your pets is one of the joys of summer. Taking a few precautions will keep them safe from harm. The most important is adequate supervision. Just like with children, leaving pets unattended around a pool can lead to unnecessary injury. This, along with introducing them to the water and teaching them how to exit the water, can keep the pool area a fun and safe environment.

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